The Time-Crunched Cyclist Podcast by CTS
Coach Adam Pulford delivers actionable training advice and answers your questions in short weekly episodes for time-crunched cyclists looking to improve their cycling performance. The Time-Crunched Cyclist Podcast (formerly The TrainRight Podcast) is brought to you by the team at CTS - the leading endurance coaching company since 2000. Coach Adam pulls from over a decade of coaching experience and the collective knowledge of over 50+ CTS Coaches to help you cut throught the noise of training information and implement proven training strategies that’ll take your performance to the next level.
The Time-Crunched Cyclist Podcast by CTS
Bike Travel Tips and Tricks with Kerry Werner (#221)
OVERVIEW: Kerry Werner has been packing, unpacking, and traveling with bicycles for nearly two decades, and now he advises people on traveling with bicycles for BikeFlights. He talks with Coach Adam Pulford about how to pack a bike, whether to ship or fly with your bike, recommended bike cases and boxes (and cases he doesn't recommend), and much more.
Key topics in this episode:
- How do people travel with their bikes?
- Top bike case product recommendations
- What to look for in a bike case
- Hard shell vs soft sided cases
- Bike cases Kerry does not recommend
- Cardboard bike boxes vs. cases
- How BikeFlights works
- International travel with a bicycle
Kerry Werner has been at the top of the US cyclocross and mountain bike racing scene for more than 10 years. He has ridden on multiple World Championships teams for XC MTB and Cyclocross. His palmarès includes: 33 UCI wins, U23 XC MTB National Championship, 3 time Division One Collegiate CX National Championships, and a Pan American CX Championship. When he is not racing or producing his very popular vlog content, Kerry is the Event and Marketing Support Specialist for BikeFlights.
- Kerry's IG:
- Kerry's Youtube Channel:
- Bike Flights:
- Packing videos from BikeFlights:
Adam Pulford has been a CTS Coach for more nearly two decades and holds a B.S. in Exercise Physiology. He's participated in and coached hundreds of athletes for endurance events all around the world.
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From the team at CTS. This is the Time Crunch Cyclist podcast, our show dedicated to answering your training questions and providing actionable advice to help you improve your performance even if you're strapped for time. I'm your host, coach Adam Pulford, and I'm one of the over 50 professional coaches who make up the team at CTS. In each episode, I draw on our team's collective knowledge, other coaches and experts in the field to provide you with the practical ways to get the most out of your training and ultimately become the best cyclist that you can be. Now on to our show. Now on to our show. Welcome back, time Crunch fans. I'm your host, coach Adam Pulford.
Speaker 1:Traveling with your bike can be a nightmare or it can be a dream. If anyone listening to this podcast has traveled with their bike to a race or an event, you know that there's some stress and logistics that go into it. Because we spend so much time and money on our bike in training and in preparation for these silly events, it's important to know how to travel well so that your race isn't ruined before it even starts. Minimizing stress leading into a big event will increase your chance of performance. Full stop here. To offer up some bike travel pro tips is professional rider and vlogging expert Kerry Warner. Kerry, welcome to the show.
Speaker 2:Thanks for having me.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, I've known you for some time now, kerry, and I'm always a big fan of the comedic but also insightful videos that you produce out there from your bike adventures, fixing your bike and all things bike related. But for our audience who may not know you, could you give us the bullet points of who carrie warner is and who is at k?
Speaker 2:dubs did what carrie warner uh started riding his bike when he was 15, kind of got into doing like, was to that like upper level of the sport. It really like lit a fire uh under me to like like, oh, that's what's possible. So it's like, oh, like this is what I should be training for, as opposed to just like winning the regional stuff that I was doing. I grew up in pennsylvania doing like the mid-atlantic super series races, which still happen and they're still awesome. But but it's like you know, if you don't step outside of that regional bubble and you're good at it like you think like, oh, I'm on top of the world and for me, I went to world champs as a junior in 2008 in Val di Sol, italy, and finished like three laps down and Mark Gullickson was national team coach at the time and he he told me years later he was like. He was like, yeah, dude, I didn't see a lot of potential in you at that point. Yeah, so I just stuck with it and kind of like had that motivation.
Speaker 2:And then for mountain bikes, I went to school at lees-mcreigh college where I got exposed to like some of the upperclassmen were racing cyclocross and as a sophomore, that's where I fell in love with cross and that's still like my favorite racing discipline to this day. Um so, yeah, fast forward now. Um, while I, while I appreciate the professional racer, um accreditation, I don't actually have a contract to ride my bike. I currently work for BikeFlights full-time, but luckily my job is flexible enough that I am able to still train. I focus mostly on mountain bikes and cross races. I'm in the middle of the cross season right now.
Speaker 1:As we transition into all things traveling with your bike. As you mentioned, you work for bike flights and I think it's important for people to to know that. I mean, this is not a paid for advertisement. Um, when we're kind of drumming up this idea of me talking with Carrie, um, our marketing in uh editing producer was like hey, talk to Carrie because, uh, as a former CTS athlete, cts coach, and we've traveled around the world uh doing bike things, like we have some good experiences, both like good and bad.
Speaker 1:And now that you work for a bike flights, I think it's important to just equip our listeners with all the information out there so they can do whatever to ease themselves into the event and have the best outcome possible. So, that being said, to kind of frame up the conversation, I think there's like probably three bins that we could put our listeners into. That first bin is somebody who travels with their bike already and they're just looking to improve their packing skills or travel technique with tips or something that may not know. Then the second one is they travel to bike events but they really need tips on, like what's the most efficient way to to pack my bike. I'm I'm a little scared there.
Speaker 1:Um, I've only done it a few times. How can I improve myself? And then the third one is like wait, what travel with your bike? I just I just rented when I go there or didn't even know you could travel. So let's kind of operate with those three bins. And first of all, when we're talking about just like traveling with our bike, carrie, what does that actually mean? Like you got to take it all apart, put it in something, walk us through that process a little bit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, typically, whether you're shipping or flying with your bike, you have to containerize your bike, which means a myriad of things depending on the container you choose, you know like. And the container you choose, you know like. And the bike you choose, you know, like your typical road bike, mountain bike, it's usually like both wheels get removed, pedals, seat post, typically handlebars, and then you know like, if you've got your tri bike, that gets really complicated with all of the uh triathlon bars and the cable routing, so like they make specific cases for that, um, and some are very big and heavy, so air travel might be tough, um, so shipping might be an option.
Speaker 1:But yes, in in general, like you containerize your bike, either check it in on the plane or put a shipping label on it and and that's how it goes so, in terms of containers, um, let's first start with bike cases and then and then we'll talk about a box, because a lot of people, probably a lot of people who travel with it, they're like like, wait a box, is that actually any better? Like what's the advantages there? But from a bike case standpoint, maybe give us your top two or three recommendations. We're brand neutral on the podcast. You can say whatever you want. Give us your recommendations.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think you and I both have a fondness for Evoque cases. I have a case that I think I bought back when evoc was just kind of like getting going back in like 2015 and I still have it and it's seen some. It's seen some shit. So, like I, I kind of endorse evoc. Uh, they come out with a bunch of new innovative products and, uh, evox good. Um, dekine, pika. Uh, shimano makes a good travel case.
Speaker 2:Um, basically, I mean, like, what you want to look for in a case is that uh, it's it's, it protects your bike. There's a good amount of padding, uh, for not only your frame but also your wheels. And then, like accessories make a big difference. You know, like, like Evox wheel pockets, different pockets inside the bag. Uh, tuli make their new. Their new case is actually really nice.
Speaker 2:Um, I was talking to a friend and he said it seemed to maybe a little bit heavy, but, um, they have great like accessory pockets inside, which is nice, cause then you don't have to worry about like having a parts box or something. You just like stuff your things in. Um, cause, personally for me, I like to take my bike apart kind of as, or like the the things off as much as possible, like as little things that could get hit or damaged. Um, I like to take those off. So, like rotors, derailers, usually the chain, uh, sometimes water bottle cages, like anything that could cause like a contact point and leverage where it could easily be removed, I like to take those off.
Speaker 1:Those are solid talking points Exactly the way I would do it. Yeah, I'm a big fan of the Evac Bike Bag Pro. I actually had to look up which version of the one I actually have like the Bike Bag and then the Bike Bag Pro. I have two of them Big fan. I've been using them forever and their simplicity is good. But it is a soft shell case with hard like places for protection. I've also had the Thule like clamshell. It's good and a lot of people think that hard shell must be better, but not necessarily because with a clamshell I actually broke a bike Like I. I packed it poorly and you know they always like flip it open and you know throw it in randomly too, but like it just got compressed too much and it cracked the seat tube on a bike because it just had like so much stuff in there and whoops.
Speaker 1:So it can happen and if you don't pack it properly for the case itself, you run into some problems into some problems.
Speaker 2:well, and even if you do, you know like it's like a dreaded nightmare when you get to your destination and you open the case and you see that tsa slip in there and you're just like, oh shit, especially like I used to travel with those clamshell cases and they're sick because they're super protective and they keep everything really snug, like once everything's in there it's not moving. But yeah, if you don't pack it right and you've got like your axle is pushing through foam on a tube in the wrong spot and then they pile 20 suitcases on top of it, I almost think that the clamshell case gives people this idea that your package is indestructible because it seems that way. So then they kind of treat it like that, like you know, like with a soft.
Speaker 2:Yeah, with the soft case they might, they might actually try to handle it in a in a better way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, one case not to spend a ton of time on cases, but one case I had on my list, but before the show Carrie gave me some insights on it is the Shikon uh like aero comfort case. The reason I put it on there was to talk about how it gives us some options for those who have integrated handlebars, much like your mog, kerry, um, where you can't take the handlebars off to fly with it, um. But and I've worked on teams in the past where we've had Shikon I've only flown with it a handful of times. I always said good luck. But what do you think about the Shikon case there, gary?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so we actually have a pretty popular video that I shot last year on BikeFlight's YouTube channel called Boxes and Cases we Recommend and part of that video is Boxes and Cases we Don't Recommend, recommend. And part of that video is boxes and cases we don't recommend, and that one actually falls into the category of we don't recommend because, um, you know, bike flights have been around since 2009. We've seen a lot of weird stuff come through the shipping system. Um, with that, we also, you know, like, we have a claims department and our claims department sees the most incidences of claims with the Saigon cases, particularly because, you're right, they're super easy to pack. Um, uh, I've seen and had them in my possession, I think for the video.
Speaker 2:We actually ordered one, like off of Amazon and then returned it. Um, so, like, they're super easy to pack and they have that good, uh, internal skeleton to pack onto, which makes it easy. Uh, I think the problem is with the handlebars sticking out. Um, it, it just like adds this lever point and this point where, like, when, when things are square and kind of like fit into a space really nicely, I think that's when, like everything's uniform, I think you see a lot less problems, but then with that case you've got the handlebars sticking out. Um, I think like those at least the early cases lacked like additional padding, so we were seeing a lot of cracked uh, like seed stays and chain stays and stuff like that. So, yeah, just it's just based on experience with the, with the shipping thing and I don't know. There a lot of european teams use psycon. I know they're big over in europe like the world, like there's some world tour teams that are like partnered with them.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I mean and again I bring up, I've always had good luck not to poopoo um uh she con, but like they, they have good stuff. But I didn't know that interesting fact, and on this podcast we just try to put people with knowledge, data and, uh, talking points. So make your own decisions out there. But, carrie, we're going to move away from the bike cases and talk about a bike box, because a lot of people may not know that you can fly or ship in a bike box. I didn't know that bike flights actually offered several options of boxes. So walk us through why you'd want to choose a box over a case and what some options are over a case and what some options are.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I mean initially like you'd choose a box over a case because you're like, hey, I'm gonna travel like one time or two times this year. Like I don't need to spend 600 plus dollars on a on a on a case. You know they're big they don't good point.
Speaker 1:These cases are not expensive. Up to a thousand bucks probably on a good. They're not cheap. Yeah sorry, yes, they are not cheap. Thank you, gary, that's why you're here to make um no, yeah, so they're pretty expensive.
Speaker 2:They don't like store super easily. Um, they're often big and bulky and so, like you know, you can get a box for as cheap as free at your bike shop. Uh, usually bike shops hang on to cardboard boxes throughout the week until they recycle, um, they're always getting boxes in as they get bikes shipped in. So, um, I always go that option when I sell a bike or sell some wheels, call it my bike shop, uh, for like a one-time use box kind of situation. Um, so that that's a thing, a thing.
Speaker 2:Um, bike flights does offer four different size bike boxes as well, and and these are kind of like this intermediate step between, like the bike box box and a case, because they're they're guaranteed for two, two shipments, um, so if something happens in those first two shipments we'll send you a new. But they come there, they're kind of patented, designed and they come as like a top and bottom cap with walls and the walls accordion a four foot by, you know, seven inch by eight inch package, and then you build this box and so that means, like, when you ship it or fly with it, um, when you're done with it, you can collapse it back down and store it.
Speaker 1:So so that's good. I mean you so you can order a box from bike flights or head to the local bike shop pick one up. I know I always keep a couple wheel boxes and even like one frame box on hand in case I'm selling something or I need to ship it or travel personally. But walk us through. For someone who's never used bike flights before, walk us through. This is like the process of choosing like location of where you pick up, where to send it shipping label Are you UPS or are you a standalone entity like tell us the like the process of bike flights yeah.
Speaker 2:So I mean, dude, this is what I do all day at events. So, basically, you containerize your bike uh, that's your responsibility. That can be an existing box or case you have, like an evoc case. Uh, it can also be a box that we provide. You buy from us, we'll drop ship to you. Or you go to the bike shop, you put your bike, you pack it, or your wheels or gear or whatever you pack it. And then you go to our website, bikeflightscom. You answer, just like there's a shipping form to fill out. It's just where you're shipping, from where you're shipping, to the dimensions and the weight of the box or case that you're shipping. We have a drop-down menu that has preloaded dimensions for all the popular boxes and cases and some of the not so popular boxes and cases. There's a pretty extensive list there.
Speaker 2:You add insurance to your shipment, which is always recommended, adding market value. That way, if something happens to your bike in the shipping process, we have a claims department that works with you and we usually pay out claims within a week once they get approved. So it's like a pretty easy process that has a dedicated team for. And then, yeah, once you enter that information in, you submit that and then yeah, once you enter that information in, you submit that. The next page you pick whether or not you want to schedule a pickup or that's $5, where your normal UPS driver will get a ping and they'll just pick it up off your doorstep on their normal route, or you can drive it to a UPS store and drop it off for free. You'll pick your ship date, uh, and then yeah, and then the next, the next page, I think you describe your box in case, what's in it, and then then you pay for it. So in reality, you can, you I mean, I've made labels in probably less than three minutes before Uh, then after you pay for it, the label usually arrives. It'll be less than five minutes. Usually it's like within two or three minutes. You print that out and slap it on your box or case and then, yeah, you either drop it off or set it out your front door for the UPS person.
Speaker 2:So we ship with UPS, uh, we're, we're contracted with them, them. We have a specific contract to ship bikes and bike-related gear. So the big takeaway that I'd love listeners to have in their back pocket is that if a problem does happen, you'll reach out to our dedicated customer support staff, which is not UPS. We have contacts within UPS that we reach out to to solve issues. But yeah, our staff is. You're going to have a much smoother, quicker kind of uplifting experience with our staff than if you did just like walk into a UPS brick and mortar store ship with them. First of all, if you do that, you're going to pay 40% more. Yeah, pay a lot more. But then if something happens, you're going to call UPS corporate and you're going to go through about 20 different phone tree options and probably still not get the answers you're looking for.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I mean the process, as I can attest to the process is is good. Um, I um, I'm a big fan, I don't, I don't always do this, and and so there's a lot of benefits in shipping the bike. Some of the drawbacks, uh, for me is like, if you maybe don't have the time, like and that's just like planning ahead, which I can do a lot better sometimes, honestly and what that means is, say, you're flying out on tuesday, probably have to pack up your bike ready to go and ship it on monday or maybe on sunday, the day before, so you don't have that bike for a couple days if you have probably friday.
Speaker 2:To be honest, probably friday, yeah, depending on where you're going, you know, but that's the.
Speaker 1:The point is like plan ahead with whatever this event is. You may be bike lists for a few days, or if you have another bike ride that one, but just so you know the probably the one drawback to shipping is is essentially that from a plan standpoint, yeah, I mean you can definitely ship it next day.
Speaker 2:You're going to pay for that service. Like, we have next day air, we have two day air, the ground service which is coast to coast in five to seven days. Like, yeah, you're going to be without your bike for five to seven days, so we always recommend to plan like two days buffer time too, so you know, just in case there are weather delays somewhere we are susceptible to, like what happens in ups's transit system but overall it's.
Speaker 1:A is a very good, uh, cheaper way to do it and, as I like to say, when I ship my bike I feel like a, like a, like a bike baller rolling through the airport, just like free freedom it's sick to roll through the airport with just a small carry-on roller bag or just a check bag and like not not have that stress of like is my bike gonna make the connection?
Speaker 2:you know, is tsa gonna repack it okay? Are they gonna find the co2s I hid in the seat bag?
Speaker 1:yeah, yeah all that stuff, and I mean all the. You know the horror stories from flying out there. It's like just just know that stuff can happen. I recently had a friend I shared this with carrie he had a brand new s works epic mountain bike and uh brand new. He flew on, uh in airline, got it back. The whole bike was broken in half and the even the crank was broken in half like effectively just got ran over and he was in a soft sided case but like it's. It was an Evoque case but overall like nothing's going to sustain it being driven over. So anything as extreme as that to maybe the bike doesn't show up because of the, the airline or whatever I mean there. There are problems that can happen when you fly and in the way of shipping you have somebody that's actually cares about the product itself. I think, from what I understand, all the people at bike flights also like our bike people. They ride and are in that culture, so they care about it.
Speaker 1:It's a bit more curated process, but for those so as we kind of like drum up the cause or um, why you should ship, uh, let's talk about like international shipping. I mean, if, if, carrie, if you're going to do cape epic, would you ship to south africa? How would that work?
Speaker 2:yeah, I mean, it works just the same as you would ship, uh, to any address in the us. So we just need, we just need a physical address. Bikeflight ships to over 60 countries. South America is off limits just because everything works on a barter system. Down there there's a bit of corruption and instability. I don't know off the top of my head, if we ship to south africa I'm thinking maybe we do, um, but yeah, you just enter a physical address, the same ship form that you'd go to to ship to california as you would for anywhere else.
Speaker 2:The difference is, once you enter an international, even if it's canada once you enter international address, you're, it's canada. Uh, once you enter international address, you're going to work with our dedicated international ship team. Uh, just because we're going to need passport information, uh, travel itinerary, just a bunch of different documentation, uh, that we prepare for customs ahead of time, um, and so that's where. That's where things are different than like with if you fly with it, right, like if you fly with your bike to california, it's no different than flying with your bike to france. You just do the plane ride, get off the plane.
Speaker 2:Uh, with with shipping, once you cross a border, we're dealing with duties and customs, and so you work with bike flights to prepare this documentation up front so that so that that process moves smoothly and it doesn't get hung up and held and examined or or there's additional fees. You know like they want to make sure you're not selling it in the country, so like if you have a round trip shipment, that you know like that smooths out that process. Um cause, you know everybody wants a piece of the pie.
Speaker 1:And the other thing to mention too is if you're, you know, flying internationally I mean, it's kind of common sense. But also if you're shipping the bike to a hotel or a bike shop, call them and say I am shipping this to you.
Speaker 2:Definitely.
Speaker 1:And again, you just plan ahead. Um, it seems commonsensical, but, um, sometimes it doesn't happen in in that way too. I should mention, for kind of these three bins of people, uh, that that could benefit from this conversation. It's like the first two, uh, that that could benefit from this conversation. It's like the first two you pack it down and um into your own case or box, you ship it or fly with it and I'll talk about, like that, bin number two, who really wants to be getting more savvy about how to do that, and we'll. That's our next list of talking points.
Speaker 1:But for bin number three, those who maybe have never done it before didn't even know that it could exist. I've even had athletes roll up to their local bike shop, like Conti's bike shop here in DC, hand off the bike. They already have a box curated. Or do you have a box that I could use? They'll disassemble it, pack it, ship it to that location. You still have to work with bike flights for the logistics. End of it. Call the hotel or wherever it's going to, or ship it to another bike shop, have them unpack it, build it for you in a way you go. So again, how much planning versus how much doing you actually want in this process, like I'm trying to enable everybody that if you're not tech savvy or mechanical savvy, you just employ the people that you want, plan ahead and you can do whatever you want. And riding your own bike at an event, in my opinion, is far superior than renting or riding someone else's. That's my own personal opinion.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I mean there's definitely I've done a video on this rent versus fly um with a bike uh, also on the YouTube channel, bike flights, but all kinds of factors to consider here.
Speaker 2:I mean there's definitely this like convenience over cost factor. Uh, like you were saying, you can be totally hands off with it. Just walk your bike into a bike shop, fly to where you're going, walk out of a different bike shop with your fully built bike. You're going to be yeah, that is baller for sure, but you know, on, if that happens, you're going to be paying for the first bike shop to pack it, you're gonna be paying to ship it, then you're gonna be paying for the second bike shop to build it and then, if you're traveling backwards, you have to do all those in reverse again. So it's like maybe not the most costly way to do it, but you know, if you don't want to bother with either a learning how to pack it yourself or just like don't have the time, like that's, that's just what you do, I feel like there's a. There's kind of a piece of the puzzle for everybody there, exactly.
Speaker 1:So for bin number one and two, those who are either pretty good at doing this or they want to learn. Kerry, I'm guessing that you also have some videos of how to disassemble your bike and pack your bike in various cases. Where would our audience find those and how to access them?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm going to share the link with you, so I think you said you would put it in the video description, but the Bike Flights YouTube channel is a great resource. We have a playlist for packing and disassembly. So, yeah, most of those videos are hosted by me. Some of them are a bit older, but yeah, we go through how to pack and assemble for different boxes and cases, including our own boxes to reassemble without all the fluff and stuff, and I keep those tools in a separate Evoc little tool pouch.
Speaker 1:It's about. I don't know, it's not super small, but it's not giant. You don't need a ton of tools to do this. And then my advice is if you're been number one the person who's like getting really good at this, or been number two, that advice is like identify those tools that you need in order to get the job done. Throw out the ones that don't need because it's about weight and you know, uh um, redundancy. Get rid of those and and keep that separate from the main tools that you're using on a regular basis, so that it's always with your bike case, and that, for me, cleans up a lot of the efficiencies.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea. Uh, I recently did a video on five disassembly tips, so it's basically just like the five things that like, if you know how to do these five things, then you can pack and ship your bike on your own, um, and it's just like simple stuff like removing wheels, removing rotors. All that stuff is like a one Allen key process or a one tool process kind of thing.
Speaker 1:So yeah, Well, carrie, this is. This has been awesome. Um, I think, with those video links to like, like all this is just meant to set people up to start planting the seeds of how to do this better Because, like I said, if we can minimize stress leading into a race or an event or a week-long bike journey, it's like that race, that journey, that ride, it's going to go way better Because you're not worried or stressed about the bike in transit, how to build it, all this kind of stuff. You know, uh, skill and technique that can really improve someone's um experience and performance on a bicycle, even though we're not talking about intervals and FTP and all that kind of stuff. So, um, I'll give you the last word here. Is there any other tip or advice that you want to provide to our listeners on the whole travel like a pro?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, I think it's not intervals, it's not training, but like, stress mitigation is a big part of how to perform at your best. And, um, I think you know we covered a lot of different points on how to do that. I think the biggest thing, uh, the biggest thing to keep in mind when traveling with your bike is just planning ahead. You know, like, maybe the week before you're planning, you just sit down and whether you're writing a list out or typing a list out on, like, what does this look like for me? Like, am I going to have to go to a bike shop to have them pack it, to ship it or even pack it so that I can fly with it? Or like, what day should I start packing it? So that you know, like I've never done this before, like I want to try it. What day should I start doing this so that if I have questions or problems, like, uh, I can reach out for help?
Speaker 2:Um, I'm sure that if you're in the cycling world, you've got a friend that has packed a bike. Like, reach out to somebody, like hands-on stuff is always better. Like I always learn better, like if somebody can be there to show me. Youtube University is great, but sometimes it's better to have somebody be like well, wait, don't do it quite like that. So, yeah, I think planning ahead is probably the most efficient way to get the ball rolling on traveling with your bike. If you ever have questions about the bike flight service, the staff is is there seven days a week, so don't hesitate to reach out.
Speaker 1:Perfect. Well, thank you, Carrie, for taking time today to talk to me and our audience about, um, all this bike packing stuff. Uh so, if anyone wants to follow you on all of your adventures, where should we send them?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean Instagram's a good place and carry W two four on Instagram and also my vlog channel on YouTube is just carry Werner vlog on YouTube. So excellent.
Speaker 1:Well, we'll link to uh, those social um connections as well as all the video links that Carrie has queued up for us. And I really encourage anybody who you know has traveled with their bike before or they're thinking about it like do what Carrie has said here. I mean watch it, practice it. Get someone who knows what they're doing to come in but like, practice, practice, practice so that it's stress mitigation. So, carrie, thank you again and good luck this weekend.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man, thanks for having me on.
Speaker 1:Thanks for joining us on the Time Crunch Cyclist podcast. We hope you enjoyed the show. If you want even more actionable training advice, head over to trainrightcom backslash newsletter and subscribe to our free weekly publication. Each week you'll get in-depth training content that goes beyond what we cover here on the podcast. That'll help you take your training to the next level. That's all for now. Until next time, train hard, train smart, train right.